Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Topic Stand-Point Statement

I have chosen to focus on the issue of how much money changing the flag is going to cost and what that money could be better spent on (anti flag change).

Three main issues it could be better spent on:

  • Poverty
  • Hungry Children
  • Old People (Cataract and hip surgeries etc)

Critique with Matt

Matt looked at my four posters and agreed with what my group and I had said was my best style/idea - the photography style looking at what spending $26mil on a flag could mean to those who the money could be better spent on. He was happy for me to continue down a photography route and thought that my idea of trying to look into/produce more substitution/addition examples would be an interesting avenue.

Thinking Hats Group Exercise

Monday, 27 July 2015

Recommended Reading 2

I read the second recommended reading on Stream.

It was about Logos, Pathos, and Ethos and helped me understand them better.

Schedule for the rest of the assignment

Word/Image Discussion

ARGUMENT (Voice, Tone, Convince, Persuade) + RHETORIC (Attention) --- VISUAL LANGUAGE/STYLE/AESTHETIC

Four Posters for Interim Critique 1

Rhetorical Device - Pastiche + Homage to Dorothea Lange
Critique: Really like the photographic style and the pastiche, needs more space between text and image so image has room to breathe

Rhetorical Device - Juxtaposition
Critique: Not enough colour, not everyone might understand the icons that represent asset sales

Rhetorical Device - Irony
Critique: Too many words, maybe don't need "Say no now"

Rhetorical Device - Juxtaposition
Critique: Very funny, but not sure if allowed to montage photos you have not taken

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Poster Example Research

I looked at rhetoric posters on the internet to give myself ideas. I really like the ones that juxtapose or subvert two things using photograph manipulation.

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Developing Concepts

I chose my best ideas from earlier concepts and refined them into concepts I could pick my top four from. I will then create these four on the computer for Monday's critique.


Today I read some readings about rhetoric devices to help myself understand them better which will then hopefully make my work better.

I also researched more about the flag debate to see if there were any other angles of the topic that I could look at/generate ideas about.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Denotation/Connotation Group Activity

Today in class we had to look at images and discuss the connotations of them. Then we had to combine two of the images and discuss the new connotations of the pairing we had created.

Three Forms of Rhetoric


  • Pairing of two things
  • Contrast/Confliction
  • Introduces a new idea/creates hidden links
  • Two sides of a story
  • Create tension
  • "Poke the Borax" (Tease, make fun of, ridicule, especially covertly)


  • Subversion
  • Changes or adds an element within an image
  • Introduces a new idea


  • Reworking/Appropriation/Re-adaptation of existing style
  • Express unfamiliar in terms of the familiar
  • Irony/Parody/Satire/Sardonic/Mock/Lampoon

Monday, 20 July 2015

More Concepts Using Rapid Ideation Technique

I really enjoyed the technique we used in class today to generate ideas as I had been having trouble coming up with worthwhile concepts. Thus I had my flatmates pick random numbers for me to correlate with words and phrases on the lists and then I came up with ideas for them.

Statistics/Facts/Statements about my topic

  • 70% of NZ against change
  • Only 1/4 of NZ wants a new flag
  • $26 million
  • $26mil = 1300 hip operations, thousands of cataract surgeries, 3 years of free school lunches
  • 2 Referendums (or two-stage referendum) 2015-16
  • Indépendant panel of 12 to select new flag designs for referendum
  • Current flag is from 1902
  • Idea for changing flag has been around for 25 years
  • Prime Minister = John Key (National Party)
  • "Key is driving the flag debate hard"
  • "John Key is trying to build his legacy as a leader"
  • "John Key is being stubborn"

Rapid Ideation Exercise

Today in class we used a rapid ideation technique to generate lots of concepts for our chosen topic and stance quickly. We started off being given words which we had to use to come up with ideas, and then we were given phrases.

Unpacking Important Words

IHI = Mastery, Skill, Understanding, Empathy (How it's done)
WEHI = Feeling


  • Colour
  • Movement
  • Scale
  • Line
  • Icons
  • Symbols
  • Signs
  • Space
  • Perspective
  • Symmetry
  • Asymmetry

  • Heading
  • Tagline/Strapline
  • Tone
  • Type
  • Font
  • Scale
  • Legibility
  • Persuasive
  • Rhetorical

  • Juxtaposition
  • Tension
  • Contrast
  • Provocation
  • Challenge
  • Ethos can be humorous, playful, satirical, black/sardonic, pastiche

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Book Research

I looked at some books on posters that I had got out of the library.

These were my favourite posters:

Initial Thumbnail Ideas

I sketched some of my initial thoughts for the topics.

This helped me decide which topic I want to do as I felt like I had more/better ideas for it, like I understood it better as we had done the debate on it, and also like I had a strong opinion on it. So I have chosen to do Anti Flag Change.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Parody Examples

I researched parodies of iconic/historical images as I was interested in seeing examples of it to get ideas.

Mind Maps

I brainstormed issues around the two topics using mind maps.

Recommended Reading 1

I read the recommended reading that was on Stream.

It was about communication design and audiences.


I researched the topics that I had't had to research for the debate (for changing the flag and public vs private school).

This gave me a better understanding off all the topics, gave me insight into the opinions around them, gave me ideas for what issues we involved in them, and helped me start thinking about what topic and stance to pick.

N.B This research is in my workbook.

Monday, 13 July 2015


Tomorrow we are going to start off the morning with a debate about the topics we can chose to do our posters on. The class was split into four groups using our star signs; two groups are focusing of the flag debate and two are focusing on private school vs public school. Our group was given the position anti flag change.

Our group brainstormed arguments for why we should keep the flag such as the history, the money the change is going to cost and what it could better be spent on, how it could never represent everyone in New Zealand etc. We tried to think of what arguments the opposing team would come up with to make sure we had ideas for counter arguments.

As I was not chosen as a speaker for my group (there could only be three speakers) I had to research the topic to find facts to back up our claims and give our points impact.

Examples of Ihi/Wehi

We had to find examples of ihi/wehi to bring to class.

Class Brainstorm on Topics

We had a class brainstorm on the topics today to get us all mulling over ideas.

Ihi Wehi Exercise

We worked in teams to look at a group of set images and identify the ihi and wehi in them.

Semiotics: Denotation & Connotation

Semiotics is the study of how receivers of information receive and interpret that which is transmitted to them. It can be seen in words, either spoken or in written form or in physical objects or pictures.
N.B: Be aware that some signs can mean different things to different people and cultures.

Denotation refers to the literal meaning of a word, the "dictionary definition".

Connotation, on the other hand, refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word or the emotional suggestions related to that word.

Fundamental Design Principles

  • Contrast - Difference in shape, size, colour, texture, position, orientation, movement
  • Movement and Visual Flow - Visual Hierarchy + Implied Movement
  • Balance - Symmetry and Asymmetry
  • Scale and Proportion
  • Perspective and Depth - Scale + Interposition
  • Rhythm - Repeating any visual design element

Rhetorical Devices

Ihi Wehi Definition

IHI can be described as an individual's essential force, charisma, power or charm - which emanates throughout the creative processes.

WEHI, on the other hand, highlights the internalised feelings that occur in response to ihi. Sometimes the terms dread or awe are commonly used to describe wehi. In this context, wehi is taken to mean the emotional response on the part of the viewer.


To explore the use of rhetorical approaches to conceptually interpret and communicate a societal issue.

Ihi and wehi are complementary terms associated with emotional and psychological behaviour.
Ihi can be described as an individual’s essential force, charisma, power or charm which emanates throughout the creative process. Wehi, on the other hand, highlights the internalised feelings that occur in response to ihi. Sometimes the terms dread or awe are commonly used to describe wehi. In this context, wehi is taken to mean the emotional response on the part of the viewer. How does your work make you feel? How does the work of others make you feel? What effects, intentional or unintentional, does it provoke or generate? What energy or resonance does your work have for others?

Rhetoric is the art of persuasion in pursuit of a desired outcome.

Rhetoric uses three basic strategic tools:
Pathos – an appeal to the emotions, which might make you laugh, cry or recoil in horror.
Logos – a persuasive argument that you accept for its logical conclusions
Ethos – the power of the source of the message who you trust sufficiently to believe what they say.

Your task is to design two persuasive posters that employ visual rhetoric to communicate a standpoint on a societal issue. The rhetorical solution must convey key themes of the issue in a conceptually and visually engaging manner.

Poster Specifications:
  • Size: A2
  • Format: Landscape or Portrait 
  • Quantity: 2
  • Colour: Printed in CMYK
  • A headline as part of your rhetorical approach
  • A tagline that reinforces and supports your argument and headline
  • All imagery must be self-generated by you
  • Typeface is open, chosen for legibility and enhancement of information content

Final Submission:
  • 2 x A2 Posters flush mounted + Print ready PDFs uploaded to the stream dropbox
  • Interim submissions 1 and 2 clearly labelled in your workbook
  • Written rationale (approx 150 words)
  • Process Blog
  • Workbook