Tuesday 4 August 2015

Class Critique Week 4

  • Think about making it portrait not landscape to help make the figure smaller
  • Think about the figure's scale and position on page to make her less dominant
  • Consider the background (the footpath is boring)
  • Consider casting a different model, someone who looks more homeless etc
  • Are there symbolic ways to show this so you don't have to use a figure or flag?
  • Consider where the poster could be placed in the environment to help make her small/less dominant e.g. floor, low down on a wall
  • Could do a slow shutter speed of people walking past ignoring her (so she is in focus and they are blurred)
  • Think about her face: Is she looking at the audience? Where is her gaze leading the viewer? Does her face make it more just about her personally?
  • She could look more cold to push the idea e.g. she could be naked/look naked

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