Saturday, 15 August 2015

Photoshoot 4

I printed one of my photographs on an A3 sized piece of paper, stuck it onto a thicker piece of paper, and then ripped pieces off to create a cool effect. I then re-photographed it.
I wanted to enhance the Wehi of my idea by creating this imperfect, forgotten about feel.

I printed one of my photographs on an A3 sized piece of paper, and then stuck it to the wall of my shower while it was wet from a recent use to see what would happen to the paper. I then re-photographed it.

I printed one of my photographs on an A3 sized piece of paper, stuck it to the wall of my shower and splashed water on it, and then I stuck it to a window so the light shone through it. I then re-photographed it.
I wanted to enhance the Wehi of my idea by creating a cold feeling.

This is the same technique as above only I photographed it on a flat surface - not stuck on a window.

I printed one of my photographs on an A3 sized piece of paper and painted a house shape on it using white acrylic paint. I then re-photographed it.
I wanted to build the Wehi of my idea by creating a hand-made style and enhancing the cold, wet feeling of the image.

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