Tuesday 4 August 2015

Looking Critically at My Posters

When refining and developing consider the following:

  • What does each element within your composition bring? What does it represent? > literal, symbolic, metaphoric.
  • What does the combination of elements say?
  • How does the arrangement of the elements affect meaning?
  • What tone / atmosphere is emerging? Is this appropriate for your message?
  • Look at the Fundamental Design Principles > which are you using? How can they be used more effectively?
  • What hierarchies are you ultilising? > dark/light, bold/sketchy, detailed/simple. large/small, foreground/background. Contrast provides interest.
  • Are you using negative space? Contrasting busy/quiet. 
  • Use the cropping Ls to find strong/interesting compositions within a busy cluttered wider composition. De-clutter, edit.

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